Sneeze is possibly one of the most sensitive indices of atmospheric changes on us. Sneeze is a forceful expulsion of air from lungs through nose and mouth. This happens because something has irritated the lungs and should be thrown out of the body thus it is one of a natural defence machinery. It is essential so that the significant organ -lungs -can be protected from particles that irritate/harm it. This inner lining of the lung is also sensitive to atmospheric changes and often produce phlegm. Production of phlegm is also lungs response to cope with changes so that it can protect itself.
many factors are responsible for sneezing. Most common are dust, house dust, minute powdery material like talc-powder, spices. Climatic changes like sudden cold, cloudy, hot, humid, rains, snow. Changes in body temp like after swimming, cold showers, breeze.
Sneezing actually represents two things:
1) Your immunity -the status of your body to fight
2) Your sensitivity-the body’s ability to get affected by stimulus
Sneezing is normal under certain circumstances because it actually represents the body’s defence mechanism, but sneezing all the time or with even slightest of dust etc is an aggravated state and would require treatment.
Allergic Rhinitis is a condition wherein the patient suffers from thin watery discharge from the nose accompanied by sneezing and or watery eyes etc.
Homeopathy has very good scope in treating both the acute condition as well as the tendency to catch recurrent cold etc. Often, we see that untreated cases of chronic allergic rhinitis progress to pharyngitis, bronchitis and even asthma which are also allergic problems.
In trains or buses I often see people making faces when someone sneezes-now that is silly. Though it is said that around 100,000 germs are released in a single sneeze they are essentially not harmful. If your immunity is low or you are already unwell then only you may be affected.
Few remedies that are used a lot to treat allergic rhinitis are
Arsenic Alb
Allium Cepa
Natrum Mur
Tuecrum Marum Varum etc.